Climate Distress to Action Resources
Accessing Ongoing Support
Carbon Conversations Toronto Opening to the conversation on Climate Change can create complex emotions. Get involved in an ongoing conversation through a Toronto based organization which help you process and speak through the emotions that climate change creates and find ways to take action.
One Resilient Earth One Resilient Earth offers several programs such as Earth Nests: a safe and positive space for all people to talk freely about the impacts of climate change and environmental degradation on their lives, as well as to learn about, co-create and experiment with transformative approaches to building regenerative resilience through art, futures thinking, research and collaborative experiences.
One Earth Sangha One Earth Sangha, EcoSattva Training is an eight-part series designed to support you in developing your response, internal and external, to a changing world. This program incorporates a Buddhist perspective and includes suggestions for meditation.
Good Grief Network Good Grief Network, 10 Steps to Resilience & Empowerment in a Chaotic Climate is a 10 Step Program that helps individuals and communities build resilience by creating spaces where people can lean into their painful feelings about the state of the world and reorient their lives toward meaningful action.
What we need to Understand about the Reality of the Climate Crisis
Resources for Personal Action
Organizations to Join for Collective Action
Short Videos on Climate Distress and How to Respond
Material to Read from Reliable Sources
The Conversation – Canada Online short, readable articles written for the general public by academics